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Determinate and Indeterminate Tomatoes

Tomato varieties are classified as determinate or indeterminate, affecting growth patterns and harvest times. Determinate tomatoes, like ‘Roma’ and ‘Celebrity,’ have controlled growth and simultaneous fruit production, ideal for small spaces and preserving. Indeterminate tomatoes, such as ‘Cherokee Purple’ and ‘Brandywine,’ vine continuously, offering prolonged, staggered harvests. Choice depends on gardener’s space, goals, and preferred harvest schedule.

growing heirloom tomatoes

A Beginner’s Guide to Growing Organic Tomatoes

As experienced gardeners, Marisa and I have learned a thing or two about the joys and challenges of growing tomatoes. If you’re new to gardening and eager to cultivate these delicious fruits, let us guide you through this basic “Tomatoes 101” post. Tomato Varieties First, let’s talk about tomato varieties. There are two main types:…